120 (Health, WASH, Nutrition) volunteers
120 (Health, WASH, Nutrition) volunteers
One hundred and twenty volunteers sing on three teams (Health, Environmental Sanitation, Nutrition)
One hundred and twenty volunteers, Within the project “IYCY Integrated emergency life-saving interventions with Nutrition, Health, WASH under the parameter 1 for most vulnerable affected populations group with high risk of famine and with high SAM prevalence in Maqbanah, and Mawza districts in Taizz”, implemented by the International Youth Council-Yemen (IYCY) and funded by Yemen humanitarian fund (YHF).
They are divided into three teams
Health, WASH, and Nutrition and spread over most sub-district and villages of Maqqbanah and Mawza districts in Taiz governorate to educate the population in the importance of personal hygiene and in order to maintain a clean environment free of diseases and epidemics ..
WASH Volunteers also conduct awareness campaigns as well as cleaning campaigns in public markets and schools. They also raise awareness of the users of water sources, especially in the rainy season, to make them aware of how to identify contaminated water and how to deal with it.
Nutrition volunteers also visit pregnant mothers to make them aware of the importance of breastfeeding as well as the importance of food for them to create a generation free of diseases and disabilities