Closure of health workers training course in Maqqbanah District.
Closure of health workers training course in Maqqbanah District.
Closure of health workers training course in Maqqbanah District.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
International Youth Council – Yemen (IYCY) concluded the training course for health workers in Maqqbanah District which lasted for 10 days, Within the project “IYCY Integrated emergency life-saving interventions with Nutrition, Health, WASH under the parameter 1 for most vulnerable affected populations group with high risk of famine and with high SAM prevalence in Maqbanah, and Mawza districts in Taizz”, implemented by the International Youth Council-Yemen (IYCY) and funded by Yemen humanitarian fund (YHF).
The training course aimed to provide 14 participants from Almoj and Aljarazi health centers theoretical and practical health information in health education, first aid, first care for pregnant women, reproductive health and family planning in the rural communities where the two centers are located.
The course also aimed to raise the capacity of participants through the theoretical and practical applications that will improve the level of health performance and dealing with emergencies and improve performance.
Dr. Walid Zafer, Health Coordinator at the District, pointed out that the rehabilitation of health workers will undoubtedly contribute significantly to improve their performance, which will be reflected in serving the community within the geographical scope of the two health centers, and will alleviate the suffering of the population in these rural areas.
It is noteworthy that IYCY had ensured the operation of Al Mouj and Al Jaziri health centers in Moqbaneh district and provide them with medicines and medical supplies.