Good Governance Training Course
Good Governance Training Course
Good Governance Training Course
International Youth Council – Yemen (IYCY) concluded yesterday, 28 March 2018, the training course on “Good Governance” for civil society organizations. Which aimed to familiarize 25 participants from civil society organizations in the term good governance, its objectives, importance, standards and field of good governance in reducing corruption, in addition to recognizing the concept and the legal framework for accountability and its relation to good governance.
The training course included several activities and workshops that emphasize the importance of good governance in many fields.
The trainer of the course, the lecturer at the National Institute / Saeed Mahyoub, stressed of the importance of the course in the institutional building of civil society organization, and develop their skills in many fields.
This training course comes within the province of International Youth Council – Yemen IYCY to strengthen civil society organization and to dedicate different concepts to create a real entity to achieve effective self-management and to follow the correct internal patterns.