Closure of Training Course for WASH Volunteers
Closure of Training Course for WASH Volunteers
Closure of Training Course for WASH Volunteers in Maqbanah and At Taziyah distrcit, Taiz governorate.
Within the project Provision of Minimum Service Package of Lifesaving Integrated Emergency Health Care and Wash services and Response for the most Vulnerable Population groups (IDPs and host Population) in Taiz governorate, implemented by the International Youth Council-Yemen (IYCY) and funded by the humanitarian fund (YHF), a training course for WASH volunteers held for 3 days in Maqbanah and At Taziyah distrcit, Taiz governorate.
The training course focused on the concept of environmental sanitation, the definition and its importance to improve the personal hygiene as well as community health along with the communication skills.
After the training course, the participants will move to the field from house to house for awareness purposes. Participants will also target a number of schools, public markets and, water sources.