IYCY concluded water pollution in Yemen awareness session
IYCY concluded water pollution in Yemen awareness session

International Youth Council – Yemen concluded the session of water pollution in Yemen
The International Youth Council – Yemen (IYCY), implemented an online awareness course entitled (Water Pollution in Yemen) on Wednesday, 15 April 2020, on the occasion of Earth Day, which is the third awareness session on this occasion.
The session presented by Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar targeted 35 participants from Yemeni youth interested in water pollution issues from various Yemeni governorates.
The course started with a general definition of the reason behind the establishment of the #EarthDay by the representative of IYCY, and then introduced the participants to all forms of pollution in Yemen by introducing them to the many water sources and forms of pollution.
During the session, Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar spoke that the Red Sea waters suffer from pollution due to the oil tankers discharging water mixed with oils, which leads to pollution of the seas, and he appealed the country to intervene in this regard and monitor the movement of ships in regional waters so that they do not allow them to pollute the Yemeni regional waters. Dr. Youssef also mentioned the problem of seawater pollution due to the solid waste that people throw in the beaches.
Dr. Youssef added that the rain water in Yemen is contaminated with sulfur and carbon oxides, and this leads to acid rain. Likewise, Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar indicated that we are still practicing traditional methods that lead to a great pollution of water, such as keeping water in dams, barriers and open tanks. He mentioned that there is a large segment of the Yemeni people that uses this water for direct drinking.
It is noteworthy that all of these sources are located near Qat, vegetables and fruits farms, which makes them exposed to pollution due to pesticides. Dr. Youssef indicated that the method used in the process of spraying pesticides is a very big catastrophe. Dr. Youssef also asked all young people to educate the people in cities and rural areas about the sources of water pollution and how to protect it from pollution.
As for groundwater, it suffers from pollution due to torrential water that is loaded with harmful substances such as oil waste such as oils and vehicle exhausts. Also, Dr. Youssef pointed out that the household waste that we see largely in front of doors and lanes, and thus rain water comes to withdraw it and thus become contaminated with groundwater.
Dr. Youssef discussed with the participants the extent of groundwater pollution due to the factories that surround the Yemeni cities, especially in the capital, Sanaa, Al-Hodeidah and Taiz. As these factories dispose of waste and wastewater in the surrounding areas due to the lack of sewage networks in those areas.
Finally, the participants posed their questions and inquiries to Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar. They were all interactive questions and all participants benefited from them.
It is noteworthy that the International Youth Council – Yemen is continuing to implement awareness sessions, as a course will be held next Monday on solar energy in Yemen.
International Youth Council Yemen concluded the session of water pollution in Yemen
The International Youth Council – Yemen (IYCY), implemented an online awareness course entitled (Water Pollution in Yemen) on Wednesday, 15 April 2020, on the occasion of Earth Day, which is the third awareness session on this occasion.
The session presented by Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar targeted 35 participants from Yemeni youth interested in water pollution issues from various Yemeni governorates.
The course started with a general definition of the reason behind the establishment of the #EarthDay by the representative of IYCY, and then introduced the participants to all forms of pollution in Yemen by introducing them to the many water sources and forms of pollution.
During the session, Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar spoke that the Red Sea waters suffer from pollution due to the oil tankers discharging water mixed with oils, which leads to pollution of the seas, and he appealed the country to intervene in this regard and monitor the movement of ships in regional waters so that they do not allow them to pollute the Yemeni regional waters. Dr. Youssef also mentioned the problem of seawater pollution due to the solid waste that people throw in the beaches.
Dr. Youssef added that the rain water in Yemen is contaminated with sulfur and carbon oxides, and this leads to acid rain. Likewise, Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar indicated that we are still practicing traditional methods that lead to a great pollution of water, such as keeping water in dams, barriers and open tanks. He mentioned that there is a large segment of the Yemeni people that uses this water for direct drinking.
It is noteworthy that all of these sources are located near Qat, vegetables and fruits farms, which makes them exposed to pollution due to pesticides. Dr. Youssef indicated that the method used in the process of spraying pesticides is a very big catastrophe. Dr. Youssef also asked all young people to educate the people in cities and rural areas about the sources of water pollution and how to protect it from pollution.
As for groundwater, it suffers from pollution due to torrential water that is loaded with harmful substances such as oil waste such as oils and vehicle exhausts. Also, Dr. Youssef pointed out that the household waste that we see largely in front of doors and lanes, and thus rain water comes to withdraw it and thus become contaminated with groundwater.
Dr. Youssef discussed with the participants the extent of groundwater pollution due to the factories that surround the Yemeni cities, especially in the capital, Sanaa, Al-Hodeidah and Taiz. As these factories dispose of waste and wastewater in the surrounding areas due to the lack of sewage networks in those areas.
Finally, the participants posed their questions and inquiries to Dr. Youssef Al-Adwar. They were all interactive questions and all participants benefited from them.
It is noteworthy that the International Youth Council – Yemen is continuing to implement awareness sessions, as a course will be held next Monday on solar energy in Yemen.