IYCY conducted Alternative Energy in Yemen awareness session
IYCY conducted Alternative Energy in Yemen awareness session
IYCY conducted its fourth awareness sessions on the occasion of Earth Day, entitled (Alternative Energy in Yemen
International Youth Council – Yemen (IYCY) implemented its fourth awareness sessions on the occasion of Earth Day hosting by Eng. Walid Al-Jabali to present an online awareness course entitled (Alternative Energy in Yemen) on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. The session targeted 25 participants interested in the environment and alternative energy from various Yemeni governorates. There was a very big interaction from the participants by asking their ideas and questions.
The session started with a general introduction to the reason behind the #EarthDay by the representative of the International Youth Council – Yemen.
Eng. Walid Al-Gabali began the session by explaining the different types of alternative energy, which are: wind, hydroelectric, solar and biomass that generate energy through agricultural and organic waste, as well as hydrogen energy. He defined each type with its characteristics and its most prominent uses.
He also pointed to the most prominent countries that lead the use of renewable energy and among the countries Iceland occupy the first place, which uses alternative energy as a major source of energy by 100% of Energy needs in the country, It is followed by Norway, which relies mainly on hydropower and biomass, and meets 97% of the total energy needs in the country, followed by Sweden, which is characterized by its geographic location, which makes it dependent on hydropower, which covers 50% of its energy needs. In the fourth place is Portugal, which covers 20% of the energy through wind power generation, followed by Denmark in the fifth place. In addition, engineer Walid stated that the Middle East and Gulf countries have begun to focus heavily on solar energy sources, as solar radiation in the region is widely available.
Eng. Walid urged the benefits of renewable energy to the environment, as it does not produce any emissions of gases harmful to the environment. He also mentioned the benefits and efficiency of renewable energy, and the negative side of energy use from fossil fuel sources, which is global warming. He also mentioned the outputs of the Kyoto conference held in Japan, which was agreed upon by world leaders to reduce production of carbon dioxide, which causes environmental damage.
Eng. Walid praised the global trend and the countries of the Middle East in the use of alternative energy, which carries environmental benefits away from the damage left by energy sources dependent on fossil fuels such as acid rain that carries severe damage to humans and livestock, and also pointed to the main cause of air pollution in Urban cities are burning fossil fuels and water pollution caused by the mining process
Eng. Walid stressed that renewable energy is the main gateway to obtaining a clean environment. Eng. Walid recommended that there be a large investment in the field of alternative energy and coordination of joint efforts between the private and public sectors in order to advance the Yemeni economy. He also recommended that a national solar energy network be encouraged to encourage citizens to use and invest in alternative energy, And the involvement of all associations and civil society organizations in the development of future plans for the use of alternative energy, according to available resources.
The IYCY representative praised that the session was very interactive, as youth were asking their questions about inquiries related to alternative energy as well as sharing information with all participants.