IYCY Launched training for health workers in Taiz Governorate
IYCY Launched training for health workers in Taiz Governorate

IYCY Launched training for health workers in Taiz Governorate
Thursday, April 16, 2020
The International Youth Council – Yemen, IYCY, launched the first training day for health workers within the project of The Emergency and Life Sustained WASH and Health Response to the highly vulnerable IDPs, host communities and returnees in Al Maafer, Jabal Habashi and Mawza districts, Taiz governorate, funded by YHF.
the training launched tack place in the presence of the Director of the Health Office in the governorate
The first training day focus on the new corona virus covid-19, its definition, preventive measures and training guide
The training lasts for ten days to rehabilitate health workers and upgrade their capabilities